September 1, 2013 § Leave a comment

Come on, ¡vamanos! Everybody, let’s go!
I’ve been exploring.

I don’t like Orientation Week. I’m tired because I haven’t been sleeping all too well, and all I want to do sometimes is lie down, not listen to another speech about how great of a campus it is. I just moved across the Atlantic, for the love of god. I’m fine with the important information-and-lecture bits, but the whole yay-school-spirit-pay-to-join-all-these-clubs crap makes me want to jump in the Channel or hurl my body into the sun à la Amanda.

In addition to the yay-school-spirit crap, we also have the fascinating phenomenon of Ramen Friends, which I just put in a letter to Abigail. Basically, Ramen Friends are like, well, ramen—fast and initially satisfying but with very little nutritional value, leaving you hungry anyway in the end. It’s what happens when you try to be friends with everyone all at once. My general philosophy is that we’re all going to be together for a couple of years, so why not just let things take their natural course and not stress about it? Plus, really, stressing about making friends. Friends are for relieving stress, not causing it.

Regardless, I’ve been having fun all by me onesie and walking the opposite direction as everyone else. I’m not trying to be contradictory, but it’s really quite pretty on the other side of things.

Oh it gets dark! It gets lonely
On the other siiiiiiiiide from you
It’s me, Kathy, I’ve come home

I’m so cold
Let me into your window

Plus, I know it’s going to get cold and grey quickly, so I’m enjoying the sun while I still can.

Leonardo de Swagprio

PS: The seagulls here are HUGE. One could probably make a very good Sunday-dinner-for-four with one of them.

Seagull: It’s what’s for dinner.

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