September 17, 2013 § Leave a comment


[First of all, I have to apologize for the delay. Since the school that I go to is not actually a real school, the wifi broke, and while you’re back-reading these anyway, now you’re a solid 3 weeks behind schedule. I’m trying.]
Have you read Code Name Verity yet (did I get the title right? I hope so.)? Because I keep pretending that I’m a spy from World War II while I’m walking around, and that’s sort of what the book is about, so you should get on that if you haven’t yet.

I am Eva Seiler.

I guess you’ve done a little bit of school by now—I hope that they’ve finished with all of the administrative stuff. I never understood why they had to drag that out over a whole week instead of sitting everyone down on the first day and getting it all over with. Have you decided if you’re dropping French yet?
Today’s optional-hell-activity was Sport Day at the Beach, from which I was absent. I really did feel horrible (not only in the usual avoiding things way, that’s different), and I think I’ve figured out what it was: I’ve been eating at very strange times, I haven’t slept properly, and I really haven’t had any time to myself in a while. Despite the griping, I’m having fun and I think I’m adjusted mentally. Not physically, though.

Later on, I went to the Asian Market, which sadly seems to consist mostly of plates and spices instead of vegetables. I did come out of it with some rice, sriracha, a packet of wonderful-smelling spices, and two new acquaintances. You have no idea how happy I am to have gotten my hands on some sriracha. At my last job it was sort of my best friend, because it makes food meant for hangovers totally edible as a normal meal. I’d like an H Mart, though, please. Can you send one for Christmas?

Post-Market, I went wandering. I wander quite a lot, because it gives me something to do and things to look at, and then I won’t get lost later. Not that you could really get lost here—pretty much if you fall into the ocean you’ve gone the wrong way.

I found more things that were falling apart, some train tracks, some bunnies, and the aforepromised Karshed trees. Aforepromised is a word, Microsoft, don’t even. As is Karshed, for that matter. Terrifying militaristic precision that is only barely good enough cannot be ignored. Ist nicht gut.






Sibling to my house



Karshed! Positively Karshed! 








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My favourite discovery, though? Garage doors by the docks with En Grève painted on the doors. I’d like it as a shirt to wear on the days when the number of fucks given is sub-zero. Sorry, I’m on strike, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Talk to me after my month-long vacation, but not on a weekend, because I sure as hell won’t be working then either.

L. de Caps

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